Using numbers with nouns in Spanish

Numbers with nouns in Spanish

In Spanish, nouns can be preceded by numbers.

Read and listen to these examples:

Tengo dos cuadernos rojos.I have two red exercise books.

Tengo dos maletas rojas.I have two red suitcases.

Son catorce euros.It's fourteen euros.

Hay catorce chicas en mi clase.There are fourteen girls in my class.

In the examples above, the number is invariable and never changes its form, whether referring to masculine or feminine nouns.


Uno becomes un, una, when placed before a noun, and it can mean "one" or "a".

Tengo uno libro. UNI have a (one) book.

María tiene uno tortuga. UNAMaría has a (one) turtle.

Now, look at these other examples with bigger numbers:

Hay doscientos cincuenta pájaros en Doñana.There are two hundred and fifty birds in Doñana.

Hay doscientas cincuenta camisetas en la tienda.There are two hundred and fifty T-shirts in the shop.

Tengo quinientas libras.I have five hundred pounds.

El colegio tiene quinientos alumnos.The school has five hundred pupils.

Note that in the examples above, whole hundreds from 200 onwards (200, 300, 400, 500, 600, etc.) agree with the noun they precede. Be careful because with other hundreds like 203, 345, etc., the tens and units do not change, just the hundreds!

Special case: one hundred = cien

Number 100 in Spanish is invariable whether accompanying masculine or feminine nouns. Have a look:

Cien niños.One hundred boys.

Cien niñas.One hundred girls.

However, when it is more than one hundred it takes a different form: ciento.

Have a look:

Ciento diez niños.One hundred and ten boys.

Ciento diez niñas.One hundred and ten girls.

It remains the same whether masculine or feminine.

See also Using plural definite article + number + noun and Expressing large numbers in Spanish: hundreds, thousands, millions and billions

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Examples and resources

Tengo quinientas libras.I have five hundred pounds.
Hay doscientos cincuenta pájaros en Doñana.There are two hundred and fifty birds in Doñana.
Hay doscientas cincuenta camisetas en la tienda.There are two hundred and fifty T-shirts in the shop.
El colegio tiene quinientos alumnos.The school has five hundred pupils.
Tengo dos cuadernos rojos.I have two red exercise books.
Son catorce euros.It's fourteen euros.
Hay catorce chicas en mi clase.There are fourteen girls in my class.
María tiene uno tortuga. UNAMaría has a (one) turtle.
Había cuatrocientos trece invitados y trescientas cincuenta sillas.There were four hundred and thirteen guests and three hundred and fifty chairs.
Tengo uno libro. UNI have a (one) book.
Tengo quinientos ochenta y cuatro euros en mi hucha.I have five hundred and eighty four euros in my piggy bank.
Tengo dos maletas rojas.I have two red suitcases.
Cien niños.One hundred boys.
Este cliente me debe novecientas diez libras.This client owes me nine hundred and ten pounds.
Cien niñas.One hundred girls.
Ciento diez niños.One hundred and ten boys.
Ciento diez niñas.One hundred and ten girls.
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