Using plural definite article + number + noun

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We can use the plural definite article + number + noun (plural) in order to give an accurate quantity.

Read and listen to these examples:

Los ochenta corredores llegaron a la meta.The eighty runners arrived at the finish line.

Las treinta palomas de la plaza son blancas.The thirty pigeons from the square are white.

Note that in the examples above, the number is invariable and never changes its form.

One hundred and one hundred and something

Read and listen to these examples:

Los cien payasos.The one hundred clowns.

Las cien cajas.The one hundred boxes.

Los ciento un payasos.The one hundred and one clowns.

Las ciento una cajas.The one hundred and one boxes.

Notice how "cien" is invariable, but when it is over one hundred it changes to "ciento".

Also notice that, as with all numbers, "uno" becomes "un" when there is a masculine noun after it (e.g. payasos).

Now, have a look at these examples:

Los doscientos kilómetros que nos separan son insignificantes.The two hundred kilometers that separate us are insignificant.

Las cuatrocientas firmas de los vecinos pararon las obras.The four hundred signatures from the neighbours stopped the construction work.

Note that in the examples above, whole hundreds from 200 onwards (200, 300, 400, 500, 600, etc.) agree with the noun they refer to.

Be careful because when we use "non-whole" hundreds like 203, 345, etc., the tens and units do not change, just the hundreds.

Los ochocientos veinticinco euros son el salario mínimo español.Eight hundred and twenty-five euros is the Spanish minimum wage.

Las ochocientas veinticinco niñas fueron a ese viaje.Eight hundred and twenty-five girls went on that trip.

Finally, there are some cases where we can use this structure:

Plural definite article + number (adjective) + number (used as a noun)

For example:

Los cuatro sietes de la baraja española son de colores diferentes.The four sevens in the Spanish deck of cards are different colours.

In the example from above, siete works as a noun and therefore takes the plural form to agree with the definite article los.

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Examples and resources

Las treinta palomas de la plaza son blancas.The thirty pigeons from the square are white.
Los doscientos kilómetros que nos separan son insignificantes.The two hundred kilometers that separate us are insignificant.
Los ochocientos veinticinco euros son el salario mínimo español.Eight hundred and twenty-five euros is the Spanish minimum wage.
Los cien payasos.The one hundred clowns.
Las cien cajas.The one hundred boxes.
Los ciento un payasos.The one hundred and one clowns.
Las ciento una cajas.The one hundred and one boxes.
Los cuatro sietes de la baraja española son de colores diferentes.The four sevens in the Spanish deck of cards are different colours.
Los ochenta corredores llegaron a la meta.The eighty runners arrived at the finish line.
Las cuatrocientas firmas de los vecinos pararon las obras.The four hundred signatures from the neighbours stopped the construction work.
Las ochocientas veinticinco niñas fueron a ese viaje.Eight hundred and twenty-five girls went on that trip.
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