Using the Spanish present subjunctive with verbs giving advice / order (sugerir, recomendar, prohibir)

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Spanish verbs of advice or order with El Presente de Subjuntivo

Verbs that give either advice or an order in El Presente or El Presente Progresivo are followed by El Presente de Subjuntivo. Some of these verbs are:

sugerir (to suggest)

recomendar (to recommend)

animar [a] (to encourage)

aconsejar (to advise)

prohibir (to ban)

ordenar (to order)

permitir (to allow)

necesitar (to need)

These verbs are normally accommpanied by a direct or indirect object pronoun, indicating who the suggestion / recommendation / encouragement is for.

Let's see some examples:

Mi médico me sugiere que haga un curso de meditación.My doctor is suggesting that I do a meditation course.

Te recomiendo que compres este otro coche. Es mucho mejor.I recommend that you buy this other car. It is much better.

Os animo a que vengáis todos a nuestra fiesta. Será genial.I encourage you all to come to our party. It'll be great.

Le están aconsejando que no firme los documentos todavía.They are advising him not to sign the documents yet.

Mis padres me prohiben que beba alcohol. Dicen que todavía soy muy joven.My parents forbid me to drink alcohol. They say I am still very young.

Te ordeno que vuelvas ahora mismo.I am ordering you to come back right now.

No le permito que me hable así. Es usted un grosero.I won't let you talk to me like that. You are very rude.

Necesito que traigas esas cajas.I need you to bring those boxes.

Notice how most of these have a direct or indirect object indicating the person receiving the order, request, suggestion or encouragement (me, te, nos, le...)

In order to use the subjunctive, we always need these verbs to be followed by "que". (Sugiero que..., Recomiendo que...)

Bear in mind that if we use the main verb in El Pretérito Perfecto, we could also use El Presente de Subjuntivo in the subordinate clause. Have a look:

Andrea me ha animado a que me compre un perrito.Andrea encouraged/has encouraged me to buy a puppy.

Nos han aconsejado que paguemos con la tarjeta de crédito.They advised/have advised us to pay with the credit card.

Sometimes verbs giving advice / order can be followed by an infinitive. In this case, "que" shouldn't be used. For example:

Os animo a venir a mi fiesta.I encourage you to come to my party.

Entonces, ¿me recomiendas probar ese restaurante chino?So, do you recommend that I try that Chinese restaurant?

Os prohibo entrar en mi casa.I forbid you to come into my house.

This would be incorrect:

Os animo a que venir a mi fiesta.

Entonces, ¿me recomiendas que probar ese restaurante chino?

Os prohibo que entrar en mi casa.

See also Using the Spanish imperfect subjunctive with verbs giving advice/order (sugerir, recomendar, prohibir)


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Examples and resources

Os prohibo entrar en mi casa.I forbid you to come into my house.
Mi médico me sugiere que haga un curso de meditación.My doctor is suggesting that I do a meditation course.
Te recomiendo que compres este otro coche. Es mucho mejor.I recommend that you buy this other car. It is much better.
Os animo a que vengáis todos a nuestra fiesta. Será genial.I encourage you all to come to our party. It'll be great.
Le están aconsejando que no firme los documentos todavía.They are advising him not to sign the documents yet.
Te ordeno que vuelvas ahora mismo.I am ordering you to come back right now.
No le permito que me hable así. Es usted un grosero.I won't let you talk to me like that. You are very rude.
Necesito que traigas esas cajas.I need you to bring those boxes.
Nos han aconsejado que paguemos con la tarjeta de crédito.They advised/have advised us to pay with the credit card.
Os animo a venir a mi fiesta.I encourage you to come to my party.
Entonces, ¿me recomiendas probar ese restaurante chino?So, do you recommend that I try that Chinese restaurant?
Mis padres me prohiben que beba alcohol. Dicen que todavía soy muy joven.My parents forbid me to drink alcohol. They say I am still very young.
Andrea me ha animado a que me compre un perrito.Andrea encouraged/has encouraged me to buy a puppy.