Igual de ... que = as ... as in Spanish (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)

When we want to express that something or someone has the same qualities as something or someone else, for example Paul is as tall as John, the most common way to express this in Spanish is to use tan ... como.
See Using tan ... como = as ... as (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)

But there is another way to express this.

Igual de... que 

With adjectives

Mi pueblo es igual de bonito que el tuyo.My town is as nice as yours.

Su hija es igual de alta que Carmen.Her daughter is as tall as Carmen.

Los padres de Javier son igual de estrictos que sus abuelos.Javier's parents are as strict as his grandparents.

Las fiestas de Sevilla son igual de divertidas que las fiestas de Cádiz.Festivities in Seville are as fun as festivities in Cádiz.

Fernando es igual de inteligente que sus primos.Fernando is as intelligent as his cousins.

Note: as always, adjectives need to agree in number and gender with the noun they refer to. However "igual de" is invariable.


When we are comparing two people/animals/things with each other, and we use the plural as the subject, we don't need to add "que". For example:

Ese gato es igual de lindo que el otro gato.That cat is as cute as the other cat.

Esos dos gatos son igual de lindos.Those two cats are as cute as each other.


With adverbs

Mi jefe trabaja igual de duro que sus empleados.My boss works as hard as his employees.

Marisa baila igual de bien que Carlota.Marisa dances as well as Carlota.

Mi abuela sabe coser igual de maravillosamente que cuando era joven.My grandma knows how to sew as beautifully as when she was young.


Igual que

We can also use igual que when the comparison is about someone doing something in the same way or the same quantity as another person. For example:

Mi hijo ronca igual que su padre.My son snores like his dad. (the same way, e.g. loudly, continuously...)

Te ríes igual que esa famosa.You laugh like that celebrity. (the same way)

He comido igual que él.I've eaten like him. (the same quantity)

See also:

Using tanto como with verbs and nouns to say as much/many ... as (comparatives) and Using tan ... como = as ... as (comparatives with adjectives and adverbs)

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Examples and resources

Mi abuela sabe coser igual de maravillosamente que cuando era joven.My grandma knows how to sew as beautifully as when she was young.
Esos dos gatos son igual de lindos.Those two cats are as cute as each other.
Ese gato es igual de lindo que el otro gato.That cat is as cute as the other cat.
Mi novio es igual de tozudo que su padre.My boyfriend is as stubborn as his dad.
La práctica es igual de importante que la teoría.Practice is as important as theory.
Los dos vestidos son igual de bonitos.The two dresses are as pretty as each other (equally pretty).
La práctica y la teoría son igual de importantes.Practice and theory as equally important.
-Tu vestido es muy bonito. -Tu vestido es igual de bonito.-Your dress is very pretty. - Your dress is as pretty.
Tu vestido es igual de bonito que mi vestido.Your dress is as pretty as my dress.
Blanca habla inglés igual de bien que Cristina.Blanca's spoken English is as good as Cristina's. (lit: speaks English as well as Cristina)
Me gustan estas dos camisetas y las dos son igual de baratas.I like these two t-shirts and they are both equally cheap.
Este pescado sabe igual de mal que el entrante.This fish tastes as bad as the starter.
El jefe nos trató igual de amablemente que su secretaria.The boss treated us as nicely as his secretary.
La fotocopiadora funciona igual de lento que la impresora.The copy machine works as slowly as the printer.
Mi hijo ronca igual que su padre.My son snores like his dad. (the same way, e.g. loudly, continuously...)
He comido igual que él.I've eaten like him. (the same quantity)
Mi pueblo es igual de bonito que el tuyo.My town is as nice as yours.
Te ríes igual que esa famosa.You laugh like that celebrity. (the same way)
Su hija es igual de alta que Carmen.Her daughter is as tall as Carmen.
Fernando es igual de inteligente que sus primos.Fernando is as intelligent as his cousins.
Las fiestas de Sevilla son igual de divertidas que las fiestas de Cádiz.Festivities in Seville are as fun as festivities in Cádiz.
Mi jefe trabaja igual de duro que sus empleados.My boss works as hard as his employees.
Marisa baila igual de bien que Carlota.Marisa dances as well as Carlota.
Los padres de Javier son igual de estrictos que sus abuelos.Javier's parents are as strict as his grandparents.
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