Using neuter article Lo + adjective + ser in Spanish

Learn about the Spanish neuter article "lo"

In Spanish there is a neuter article, "lo", that can be used with adjectives (not nouns) in a neutral way. For example:

Me encanta todo lo verde.I love everything [that is] green. 

Yo llevaré lo pesado y tú llevarás lo ligero.I will carry what is heavy and you will carry what is light. 

Tengo lo justo para vivir.I have just enough to live on.

With lo we express "things that are of a certain characteristic". 

We can also use it to highlight a quality about something/someone.

Have a look at the following examples with:

Lo + adjective + de

No soporto lo salado del jamón.I cannot stand the saltiness of the ham.

Me encantó lo romántico de esa película.I loved the romanticism of that film.

Ramiro es querido por todos por lo entrañable de sus acciones.Ramiro is loved by everyone because of his endearing actions.

It is only possible to use the masculine singular form of the adjective when we highlight the quality of the person or thing we are referring to.

This structure is often used with verb ser:

Lo + adjective + ser (conjugated)

Lo malo es que no puedo ir contigo al cine.The bad thing is that I can't go to the cinema with you.

Lo bueno es que mañana no llueve.The good thing is that tomorrow it's not raining.

Notice how lo, used with this type of construction, is always followed by singular masculine adjectives, not the feminine or plural.

Lo buena es que mañana no llueve.

Lo buenos son que mañana no llueve.

 You can also add "de":

Lo + adjective + [de...] + ser (conjugated)

Lo mejor de mi antiguo trabajo era la flexibilidad de horario.The best thing about my old job was the flexible working hours.

Para mí, lo esencial de la vida es ser feliz.For me, the most important thing in life is to be happy.

Lo peor de mis hermanas es que se pelean todo el tiempo.The worst thing about my sisters is that they argue all the time.

Notice above how comparative adjectives can also be used (mejor, peor, etc).

Following the same structure, it can be used with a superlative:

Lo + superlative + [de...] + ser (conjugated)

Lo más impresionante del viaje fue la cantidad de museos interesantes.The most impressive part of the trip was the number of interesting museums.

Lo menos caro de esta tienda son los accesorios.The least expensive things in this shop are the accessories.

Notice how, sometimes despite using the singular "lo + adjective" (lo menos caro), we conjugate the verb in the plural form (son). This is because, being a neutral idea, it can refer to a group of things, i.e "The least expensive things..."

See also How to say the most / the least + adjective in Spanish (superlatives).

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Examples and resources

Lo más impresionante del viaje fue la cantidad de museos interesantes.The most impressive part of the trip was the number of interesting museums.
Lo malo es que no puedo ir contigo al cine.The bad thing is that I can't go to the cinema with you.
Me encanta todo lo verde.I love everything [that is] green. 
Yo llevaré lo pesado y tú llevarás lo ligero.I will carry what is heavy and you will carry what is light. 
Tengo lo justo para vivir.I have just enough to live on.
Me encantó lo romántico de esa película.I loved the romanticism of that film.
Lo menos caro de esta tienda son los accesorios.The least expensive things in this shop are the accessories.
Lo mejor de mi antiguo trabajo era la flexibilidad de horario.The best thing about my old job was the flexible working hours.
Lo bueno es que mañana no llueve.The good thing is that tomorrow it's not raining.
Para mí, lo esencial de la vida es ser feliz.For me, the most important thing in life is to be happy.
Lo peor de mis hermanas es que se pelean todo el tiempo.The worst thing about my sisters is that they argue all the time.
No soporto lo salado del jamón.I cannot stand the saltiness of the ham.
Ramiro es querido por todos por lo entrañable de sus acciones.Ramiro is loved by everyone because of his endearing actions.
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