Days of the week in Spanish are masculine

The days of the week in Spanish are nouns and they have a gender.

Gender of the days of the week in Spanish

Days of the week in Spanish are always masculine.

Read and listen to these examples:

El lunes estudio matemáticas.I study maths on Monday.

El martes voy al gimnasio.I go to the gym on Tuesday.

El domingo cocino una paella.I cook a paella on Sunday.

In the examples above, note that we use el in order to say on in English. when we are talking about when things take place.

Andrea juega al badminton los viernes.Andrea plays badminton on Fridays.

Los lunes suelo tener más trabajo en la oficina.On Mondays I usually have more work at the office.

In these examples, we are still talking about when things take place. Notice how we can also use the plural articles (los). This is used as in "every [day of the week]".

This would be incorrect:

En lunes voy al gimnasio.
En sábados voy al gimnasio.


Days of the week in Spanish are never capitalized!

Unlike in English where all days of the week have a plural form, days of the week in Spanish do not have a plural form, except for sábados and domingos. All the other days of the week indicate the plural only by the plural article. For example, this is incorrect:

Los marteses voy a la biblioteca.
On Tuesdays I go to the library.

Note that if we want to say that we do something "regularly" on a specific day of the week, we tend to use the plural article "los", whilst if we are saying that we are doing something "this" or "next" day of the week, we use the singular article "el". For example:

Mi padre come pescado los viernes.My dad eats fish on Friday/s.

Mi padre va a comer pescado el viernes.My dad is going to eat fish this/next Friday.

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Examples and resources

El martes voy al gimnasio.I go to the gym on Tuesday.
El domingo cocino una paella.I cook a paella on Sunday.
Andrea juega al badminton los viernes.Andrea plays badminton on Fridays.
Los lunes suelo tener más trabajo en la oficina.On Mondays I usually have more work at the office.
El lunes estudio matemáticas.I study maths on Monday.
Mi padre va a comer pescado el viernes.My dad is going to eat fish this/next Friday.
Mi padre come pescado los viernes.My dad eats fish on Friday/s.