Using preposition a and de + el que, la que, los que, las que = to/of/from/about which/who (relative pronouns)

Relative pronouns can be combined with the prepositions de and a.

With a

Have a look and listen to the following sentences using preposition a:

El partido al que fui el sábado fue interesantísimo.The match I went to on Saturday was very interesting. [lit: to which I went]

La fiesta a la que asistieron fue organizada por el colegio.The party they went to was organised by the school. [lit: to which they went]

Los cantantes a los que los fans adulaban se sintieron muy orgullosos.The singers who the fans were flattering felt very proud. [lit: to whom the fans were flattering]

Las sillas a las que se referían estaban ocupadas.The seats they were referring to were taken. [lit: to which they were referring to]

Notice how in the first example, when referring to something masculine and singular (el partido) the preposition a and the article el contract to "al". When referring to feminine singular or plural and masculine plural, there is no contraction.

With de

Now have a look at the following examples with preposition de:

El proyecto del que te hablé se ha cancelado.The project I talked to you about has been cancelled. [lit: about which]

La bolsa de la que cogiste el dinero era de Laura.The bag you took the money from was Laura's. [lit: from which]

Los alumnos de los que nos quejamos fueron expulsados inmediatamente.The pupils we complained about were expelled immediately. [lit: about whom]

Las cortinas de las que se hicieron la falda estaban descoloridas.The curtains which they made the skirt from were faded. [lit: from which]

Notice how in the first example, when referring to something masculine singular (el proyecto), the preposition de and the article el contract to  "del". When referring to feminine singular or plural and masculine plural, there is no contraction.


Remember that, unlike in English, the prepositions are placed in front and not at the end.

El hotel al que fui tenía piscina. 
The hotel que fui a tenía piscina.
The hotel I went to had a swimming pool.  

Using cual

We can substitute el que/la que/los que/las que with:

  • el cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales 

and the meaning won't change.

Have a look:

El proyecto del cual te hablé se ha cancelado.The project I talked to you about has been cancelled.

La fiesta a la cual asistieron fue organizada por el colegio.The party they went to was organised by the school. 

Los alumnos de los cuales nos quejamos fueron expulsados inmediatamente.The pupils we complained about were expelled immediately.

Las sillas a las cuales se referían estaban ocupadas.The seats they were referring to were taken.

See how de + el contract again (del) in the first example, when referring to a singular masculine noun.

Using quien/quienes

There is another possible substitution with quien/quienes, but only when the referent is a person/people.

Have a look:

Los alumnos de quienes nos quejamos fueron expulsados.The pupils we complained about were expelled.

Ya no me gusta tanto la chica de quien te hablé.I don't like the girl I talked to you about as much now.


Las sillas a quienes se referían estaban ocupadas.
(sillas is an object)

Remember that quien/quienes are not preceded by the articles el/la/los/las.

Bear in mind that quien/quienes and el cual/la cual/los cuales/las cuales are more formal than el que/la que/los que/las que.

Note that, while in English the relative pronoun "who" is often used to refer to pets, in Spain it is not generally used.

"Mi gato, del que tengo muchas fotos, es adorable."

"My cat, who I have lots of pictures of, is adorable"

To learn about other prepositions used with relative pronouns see also Using preposition [except a and de] + el que, la que, los que, las que = with/for/on/in/from which (relative pronouns) and Al and Del in Spanish

See also basic lesson Al and Del in Spanish

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Las sillas a las cuales se referían estaban ocupadas.The seats they were referring to were taken.
Ya no me gusta tanto la chica de quien te hablé.I don't like the girl I talked to you about as much now.
Las sillas a las que se referían estaban ocupadas.The seats they were referring to were taken. [lit: to which they were referring to]
Las cortinas de las que se hicieron la falda estaban descoloridas.The curtains which they made the skirt from were faded. [lit: from which]
La bolsa de la que cogiste el dinero era de Laura.The bag you took the money from was Laura's. [lit: from which]
Los cantantes a los que los fans adulaban se sintieron muy orgullosos.The singers who the fans were flattering felt very proud. [lit: to whom the fans were flattering]
El partido al que fui el sábado fue interesantísimo.The match I went to on Saturday was very interesting. [lit: to which I went]
Los alumnos de quienes nos quejamos fueron expulsados.The pupils we complained about were expelled.
La fiesta a la que asistieron fue organizada por el colegio.The party they went to was organised by the school. [lit: to which they went]
No había ninguna persona a la que preguntar. Estaba totalmente perdida.There wasn't a single person [whom] I could ask. I was totally lost.
El proyecto del que te hablé se ha cancelado.The project I talked to you about has been cancelled. [lit: about which]
Los alumnos de los que nos quejamos fueron expulsados inmediatamente.The pupils we complained about were expelled immediately. [lit: about whom]
El proyecto del cual te hablé se ha cancelado.The project I talked to you about has been cancelled.
El proyecto del cual te hablé se ha cancelado.The project I talked to you about has been cancelled.
El proyecto del cual te hablé se ha cancelado.The project I talked to you about has been cancelled.
La fiesta a la cual asistieron fue organizada por el colegio.The party they went to was organised by the school. 
Los alumnos de los cuales nos quejamos fueron expulsados inmediatamente.The pupils we complained about were expelled immediately.
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