Using unos, unas + plural nouns to say some / a few in Spanish (Artículo indefinido -plural)

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Some/a few in Spanish

Note that to express some / a few + [plural noun] in Spanish, you use either unos or unas, depending on the gender of the noun it refers to:

  • Unos for masculine plural nouns
  • Unas for feminine plural nouns

Read and listen to these examples:

Necesito unos cuadernos.I need some / a few exercise books.

Quiero unas peras, por favor.I want some / a few pears, please.

Fernando compra unos llaveros.Fernando buys some / a few keyrings.

Marta ve unas estrellas.Marta sees some / a few stars.

It is important to remember that in Spanish, like in all Latin languages, every noun is either masculine or feminine.

Note that if unos or unas is used before an item that exists in the plural to refer to a single object, the article can mean "one" or "one pair".

For example:

Tengo unas gafas de sol.I have a pair of sunglasses.

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Examples and resources

Necesito unos cuadernos.I need some / a few exercise books.
Quiero unas peras, por favor.I want some / a few pears, please.
Fernando compra unos llaveros.Fernando buys some / a few keyrings.
Tengo unas gafas de sol.I have a pair of sunglasses.
Marta ve unas estrellas.Marta sees some / a few stars.
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