Using the negative ninguno, ninguna, ningunos and ningunas to say not any (indefinite pronoun)

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We use the construction no + verbo + ninguno, ninguna, ningunos or ningunas to say not any.

Read and listen to these examples:

¿Compraste algún queso en Santander? -No, no compré ninguno.Did you buy any cheese in Santander? -No, I didn't buy any.

¿Hay alguna tarta en el frigorífico? -No, no hay ninguna.-Is there any cake in the fridge? -No, there isn't any.

¿Viste a algún famoso en Hollywood? -No, no vi a ninguno.Did you see any famous people in Hollywood? -No, I didn't see any.

¿Vas a comprar ropa para la boda? -No, no voy a comprar ninguna.Are you going to buy clothes for the wedding? -No, I am not buying any.

Había muchos chicos en la fiesta pero no me gustaba ninguno.There were lots of guys at the party but I didn't like any.

De todos los cuadros de la exposición no vendieron ninguno.Out of all the paintings in the exhibition they did not sell any.

Le encantan las fiestas españolas pero no ha ido a ninguna.He loves Spanish festivities but he hasn't been to any.

Notice how in the examples above some nouns are singular, e.g alguna fiesta, un mechero, ropa, algún famoso. And in other sentences the noun is plural, e.g fiestas, cuadros, muchos chicos; however, the singular form ninguno/ninguna is always used to express not any.

The indefinite pronouns ningunos and ningunas are hardly used. You will only find them when referring to nouns that are always used in the plural form, e.g gafas (spectacles) or pantalones (trousers).

-¿Te gustan algunas gafas de la tienda? -No, no me gustan ningunas.-Do you like any spectacles from the shop? -No, I don't like any.

-¿Tienes algunos pantalones elegantes? -No, no tengo ningunos.Do you have any smart trousers? -No, I don't have any.

Don't confuse the indefinite adjective ningún with the indefinite pronoun ninguno. Ninguno can never be used with a noun!

No tengo ningún problema contigo.
No tengo ninguno problema contigo.
I don't have any problem with you.

See also Pronombre indefinido

To see a different meaning of ningún see also Ningún, ninguna + noun + verb = No [noun] + verb (negation).

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¿Hay alguna tarta en el frigorífico? -No, no hay ninguna.-Is there any cake in the fridge? -No, there isn't any.
¿Viste a algún famoso en Hollywood? -No, no vi a ninguno.Did you see any famous people in Hollywood? -No, I didn't see any.
De todos los cuadros de la exposición no vendieron ninguno.Out of all the paintings in the exhibition they did not sell any.
Había muchos chicos en la fiesta pero no me gustaba ninguno.There were lots of guys at the party but I didn't like any.
-¿Te gustan algunas gafas de la tienda? -No, no me gustan ningunas.-Do you like any spectacles from the shop? -No, I don't like any.
No tengo ninguno problema contigo. NINGÚNI don't have any problem with you.
¿Vas a comprar ropa para la boda? -No, no voy a comprar ninguna.Are you going to buy clothes for the wedding? -No, I am not buying any.
-¿Tienes algunos pantalones elegantes? -No, no tengo ningunos.Do you have any smart trousers? -No, I don't have any.
Le encantan las fiestas españolas pero no ha ido a ninguna.He loves Spanish festivities but he hasn't been to any.
¿Compraste algún queso en Santander? -No, no compré ninguno.Did you buy any cheese in Santander? -No, I didn't buy any.
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