Forming the Spanish passive voice with ser + participle (+ por) (passive - simple tenses)

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Look at this example of a passive sentence in English:

The computers were sold by the shop assistant.

  • the computers = the object acted on by the verb
  • by the shop assistant = the person performing the action

Using Voz pasiva 

We use the Voz pasiva in these cases:

1. When we give more importance to the action than to the subject. In these cases the subject is not normally mentioned. For example:

El fuego será apagado muy pronto.The fire will be extinguished very soon.

Los ladrones fueron arrestados.The thieves were arrested.

2. If we want to emphasise the subject of the action using generally por + [agent]. For example:

Las ausencias de los estudiantes son anotadas por la secretaria en un registro.Student absences are marked by the secretary in a register.

El señor López era muy valorado por todos los vecinos.Mr López was very appreciated by all the neighbours.

El Quijote fue escrito por Miguel de Cervantes.Don Quixote was written by Miguel de Cervantes.

Las pruebas serán analizadas por la policía.The evidence will be analysed by the police.

Vosotros seríais escuchados por los trabajadores lo antes posible.You would be listened to by the workers as soon as possible.

  • The conjugated verb in the passive voice is "ser" and can be conjugated in any tense.
  • The participle always agrees with the subject of the passive sentence in gender and number! 
The passive voice is much more common in English than in Spanish, which often uses Verbos pronominales (usually reflexive verbs) where English would use the passive voice. 

See also Voz pasiva

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Examples and resources

Los ladrones fueron arrestados.The thieves were arrested.
Las ausencias de los estudiantes son anotadas por la secretaria en un registro.Student absences are marked by the secretary in a register.
Vosotros seríais escuchados por los trabajadores lo antes posible.You would be listened to by the workers as soon as possible.
Las pruebas serán analizadas por la policía.The evidence will be analysed by the police.
El sospechoso es interrogado por el policía.The suspect is interviewed by the policeman.
El Guernica fue pintado por Picasso.The Guernica was painted by Picasso.
Las gafas eran reparadas por el oculista.The glasses were repaired by the optician.
Los documentos serán firmados por el director.The documents will be signed by the director.
Carlos sería convencido por su novia.Carlos would be persuaded by his girlfriend.
El Quijote fue escrito por Miguel de Cervantes.Don Quixote was written by Miguel de Cervantes.
El señor López era muy valorado por todos los vecinos.Mr López was very appreciated by all the neighbours.
El fuego será apagado muy pronto.The fire will be extinguished very soon.
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