Language & Education

Topic specific Spanish practice exercises

The Spanish language isn't just about vocabulary and verb conjugations - there are regional variations, endless idiomatic expressions, and so much more to explore! Enhance your learning with these fascinating insights into Spanish language and education.

  • A very interactive lesson with Kwiziq
    writing exercise

    Clara is using kwiziq for the first time and tells us about a lesson she is taking.
  • Amelia Valcárcel: a famous Spanish philosopher
    writing exercise

    Learn about Amelia Valcárcel, a famous Spanish philosopher.
  • An innovative teacher
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    Innovative English teacher Teresa transforms learning with technology and creativity.
  • Drawing a face 
    writing exercise

    Today at school, Iris's teacher asked her students to draw a face.
  • Foreign languages at work
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    Susana tells us about the importance of knowing languages at work.
  • I like to wear uniform
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    Alma explains why she likes to wear her school uniform.
  • I speak Spanish and Quechua
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    Meet José Luis, an Ecuadorian who speaks two languages.
  • I'm a citizen of the world
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    Meet Carmen, a woman who loves languages and international cultures.
  • Ideas for the start of the school year
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    I have some great ideas to ensure a successful start to the school year.
  • Immersing myself in Spanish
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    Tina is discovering the beauty of Spanish through daily practice.
  • In a school in Guatemala
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    Jose tells us about his school in Guatemala.
  • Learning outside the classroom
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    Some teachers prefer to take their students outside to learn.
  • Listening to the radio on the internet
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    Tiago practises his Spanish by listening to Spanish-speaking radio stations online.
  • My daughter is good at mathematics
    writing exercise

    It's great when kids enjoy mathematics.
  • My life in Spain
    writing exercise

    Ashley tells us about her life in Spain.
  • My school routine
    writing exercise

    Learn about Tamara's school routine.
  • My Spanish blog
    writing exercise

    Discover Pedro's blog to learn Spanish.
  • My trending topic
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    Asier is learning how to create a trending topic.
  • Studying Spanish in Argentina
    writing exercise

    Gabriel's dream is to become a language teacher.
  • The word "escalera"
    writing exercise

    The Spanish word "escalera" is one of my favourite words.
  • What's in my backpack?
    writing exercise

    Guess what I carry in my school backpack!
  • Work or study?
    writing exercise

    Nacho needs to decide if he is going to study or work next year.
  • Empiezo la universidad
    Reading exercise

    Join this student as she leaves home to study to be a vet. This reading and listening exercise can help you practise the general use of the preposition en and the near future (El Futuro Próximo).
  • A Spanish course in Bogota
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    Patrick tells us about his Spanish course in Colombia.
  • Co-official languages in Spain
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    Learn about other official languages in Spain.
  • Everything's ready 
    writing exercise

    Telmo has everything ready for his first day of school tomorrow.
  • Giving your opinion 
    writing exercise

    Gabriela shares some guidelines about how to give your opinion in Spanish.
  • I'm disappointed
    writing exercise

    Benito tells us about his most recent disappointment.
  • Mathematical riddle
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    Nicolás is a maths teacher and is challenging his students with a riddle
  • Our Spanish teacher
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    Peter describes his new Spanish teacher.
  • Salamanca
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    Elisabeth is studying for her PhD in Salamanca.
  • Sol is a girl name 
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    Antonio tell us about the girl's name Sol.
  • Teachers' Day
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    Ricardo talks about what happened to him on Teachers' Day in Mexico.
  • The perfect combination of extracurricular activities
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    Álvaro is embarking on the exhilarating journey of finding the ultimate combination of extracurricular pursuits.
  • The supporter 
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    Aitana explains the origin of the Spanish word "hincha".
  • Why haven't you done your homework
    writing exercise

    Matilda reads her students a funny book of excuses for not doing your homework.
  • Mejorando mi español con Kwiziq
    Reading exercise

    This A2 exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Perfecto and indefinite pronouns.
  • Razones por las que aprender español
    Reading exercise

    We know you are already converted and know hundreds of reasons why learning Spanish is the way to go! But read on, just in case you need some extra incentives! This exercise can help you practise indirect object pronouns, indirect object pronouns and using indefinite pronouns.
  • Advice for teachers 
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    Marisa has some teacher's tips for a successful year.
  • Changing schools
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    María is starting at a new school.
  • Ecologic workshops at school
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    An exciting week ahead with lots of interesting workshops at school.
  • Gamification in education
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    Boost learning with gamification and engage students effectively.
  • Home comes from fireplace 
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    Olivia explains the link between the word for fireplace and home.
  • In a mathematics competition
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    Participating in a school mathematics competition was an exhilarating challenge that left Andrea both tested and rewarded.
  • Insects and agriculture
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    Daniela is fascinated by the impact of insects on agriculture.
  • Language acquisition
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    Learn about Chomsky's revolutionary insights on language acquisition.
  • Languages in Honduras
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    Learn about the different languages that exist in Honduras.
  • My last year as a teacher
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    Felipe's last year as a teacher will be inspiring and academically successful.
  • My work experience at the stables
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    Pablo is going to start his work experience at some stables soon.
  • Panama
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    Mario tells us about the origin of the name Panama.
  • Public examinations
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    Roberto dreams about becoming a firefighter.
  • Stationary sales in September
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    Stationary sales hit their peak in September when the new school year starts.
  • The difficulties of Spanish
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    Peter reflects on his biggest difficulties when learning Spanish.
  • The lesson about expressions with animals
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    I had a fun lesson learning new expressions.
  • The university of the seas
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    Mateo tells us about the international educational project that Cádiz University is coordinating.
  • Types of memory Free
    writing exercise

    Alberto was stunned to learn that there are many different types of memory.
  • University of Panama
    writing exercise

    Amanda's dream is to study at University of Panama.
  • Aulas virtuales
    Reading exercise

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Futuro Simple, El Condicional Simple and some expressions followed by El Subjuntivo.
  • El sistema educativo en España
    Reading exercise

    This exercise can help you practise relative pronouns, using "cierto", "cierta", "ciertos" and "ciertas" (indefinite adjectives) and past participles as adjectives.
  • Hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayo
    Reading exercise

    Discover the meaning of this Spanish saying.
  • Mi asistente
    Reading exercise

    Here’s a teacher who’s a big fan of Kwiziq! This exercise can help you practise the importance of written accents in Spanish and relative pronouns.
  • A change of career
    writing exercise

    Discover Vanessa's career plans.
  • A welcoming place
    writing exercise

    Sergio believes that schools must become welcoming places of belonging and community.
  • Apology letter to a client Free
    writing exercise

    Learn how to write a formal letter of apology in Spanish.
  • Expressions with colours 
    writing exercise

    Laila explains some Spanish expressions that feature colours.
  • How much do you know about Panama?
    writing exercise

    Take part in this amazing contest about Panama.
  • How to get ready for the DELE
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    Get some useful tips to take the DELE exam.
  • Knowing how to apologise 
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    Aitor teaches us Spanish ways of apologising.
  • Mathematics in education
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    This subject is essential in education, providing critical skills for success across various fields.
  • Method Montessori
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    Federico tells us about the Montessori Method.
  • Recycling is child's play
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    Amanda invites us to reflect on the importance of educating children about recycling by taking action.
  • Rodolfo Kusch and philosophical Americanism
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    Learn about Rodolfo Kusch and his philosophy.
  • School for Dogs
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    Gonzalo recommend a school for dogs.
  • Show business
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    Leopoldo talks about the word for show business in Spanish.
  • The future of inclusive education
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    Ester is a teacher and is passionate aboutinclusive education.
  • The importance of equations
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    Have you ever thought about how important mathematical equations are?
  • The lady of Marbella 
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    Paco teaches Spanish to an eccentric English lady.
  • This year I will take the school bus
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    Sonia is happy because she convinced her parents to allow her to take the school bus every day.
  • Transforming classrooms
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    Learn about transforming classrooms to inspire future-ready students.
  • Women and Universities
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    Octavio is surprised to learn when Spanish women were allowed to study at university.
  • Día del Idioma Español y Día Internacional del Libro
    Reading exercise

    23 April book lovers is International Book Day and also United Nations Spanish Language Day
  • Día Internacional de la lengua materna
    Reading exercise

    Practise relative pronouns while learning about International Mother Tongue Day.
  • El español, lengua global
    Reading exercise

    This exercise can help you practise the position of adjectives and subordinate clauses of purpose.
  • En Guinea Ecuatorial se habla español
    Reading exercise

    There's a country in Africa that counts Spanish as one of its official languages: Equatorial Guinea. Discover the historical reasons for this with our bilingual reader. This exercise can help you practise the passive and the preterite.
  • Guillermo, el trapecista de circo
    Reading exercise

    Enjoy a night out at the circus and meet Guillermo, a talented young trapeze artist! This B2 exercise can help you learn Spanish idiomatic expressions using the word boca, practise past tenses generally, pronominal verbs, and subordinate clauses with El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo.
  • La lucha contra el acoso escolar
    Reading exercise

    School bullying can cause mental health problems and very low self-esteem.
  • La vuelta al cole
    Reading exercise

    This exercise can help you practise clauses using El inidicativo and El subjuntivo.
  • La vuelta al cole con Kwiziq
    Reading exercise

    Let's catch up with Laura, the American studying to be a doctor whom we met for the first time in "Mejorando mi español con Kwiziq" (A2). This exercise can help you practise "cuando" with past tenses, "seguir/continuar" + gerund and pronominal verbs.
  • Mi príncipe azul
    Reading exercise

    This B2 exercise can help you practise idioms related to colours and also has instances of the letter d being omitted in colloquial Spanish.
  • Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente
    Reading exercise

    B2 Spanish interactive reading article
  • Refranes de Octubre
    Reading exercise

    Discover a few Spanish proverbs and sayings about autumn in this bilingual reader.
  • Una sorpresa inesperada
    Reading exercise

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise false friends.
  • Castile comes from 'castle'
    writing exercise

    Learn about the etymological origin of the word 'Castile'.
  • Cognitive inclusion at school
    writing exercise

    Learn about this cognitive inclusion project.
  • Differential calculus
    writing exercise

    Someone is struggling with mathematical concepts before his exam.
  • Happier than a boy with new shoes
    writing exercise

    Xavi explains a Spanish expression about shoes.
  • Healthy eating for school kids
    writing exercise

    Some healthy lunch ideas for school kids.
  • How to become an au pair
    writing exercise

    Are you looking for a host family to do some au pair work while improving a foreign language?
  • Jose Ortega y Gasset: a Spanish philosopher
    writing exercise

    Learn about Ortega y Gasset and his philosophy.
  • PISA report: Spain
    writing exercise

    Carlos, headmaster of a Spanish school, shares his thoughts about the latest PISA report.
  • ¡Está como una cabra!
    Reading exercise

    This C1 reading and listening exercise can help you practise idioms with animals.
  • ¡Somos la leche!
    Reading exercise

    What if your best friend was also your sibling? This C1 exercise can help you practise idioms related to food.
  • Cómo distinguir acentos y expresiones de distintos países de Centroamérica
    Reading exercise

    Could you identify which Central American country someone came from just from their accent? Watch this video to discover what the giveaway clues for each country are! This C1 exercise can help you practise Latin American colloquial expressions, pronominal verbs, relative pronouns, use of the dieresis in Spanish, omission of the letter d in colloquial spoken Spanish, Latin America Spanish generally.
  • Diferentes formas de llamar a la comida
    Reading exercise

    Discover just a few of the many foodstuffs that have different names depending on which country you are from! This B2 exercise can help you practise the differences in food vocabulary between different Spanish-speaking countries, the use of cualquier, the position of pronouns, impersonal sentences with se, the passive se and the use of the apóstrofo.
  • El español en Filipinas
    Reading exercise

    This reading and listening exercise can help you practise the passive voice, El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo and using cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas.
  • Miguel de Cervantes
    Reading exercise

    This exercise can help you practise the present to narrate past events, the position of adjectives, using the imperfect vs the preterite and the incorrect use of pronouns (leísmo, laísmo and loísmo).
  • Signos de interrogación y de exclamación
    Reading exercise

    ¿Have you ever wondered about the upside-down punctuation marks used in Spanish? ¡Watch this video and read the transcript to learn more! This reading and listening exercise can help you practise El Pretérito Indefinido, El Pretérito Imperfecto, forming the imperative for usted/ustedes/nosotros/nosotras, time clauses.
  • Un mal amigo
    Reading exercise

    What would you do if you discovered your best friend was deceiving you? This C1 reading and listening exercise can help you practise idioms with the word mano.
  • Yeísmo
    Reading exercise

    Watch this video and read the transcript to understand more about the unique way Argentinos and Uruguayos pronounce the letters "y" and "ll".
  • Refranes de febrero
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the gaps with either the definite or the indefinite article.

  • En abril aguas mil
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the gaps with the right form of El Presente.

  • Una carta importante
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Choose either por or para to complete the text.

  • Día Internacional de las Bibliotecas
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Presente. Pay attention to the hints!

  • ¡Me encanta ser profesora digital!
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the blank with the correct form of El Futuro Simple.

  • Mi examen de conducir
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Presente.

  • Consejos para elegir una buena universidad
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    In need of tips to choose a good university? Fill in the blanks with the right form of El Subjuntivo.

  • ¡Me he dejado la cabeza en casa! (pronominal verbs)
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the blanks with the right verb. Pay attention to the hints!

  • Mis asignaturas del curso
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the gaps with the right form of El Presente. Pay attention to the hints!

  • Los sabios consejos de Kwizbot
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Read Kwizbot’s tips and complete the gaps (1st and 2nd conditional sentences) with the right tense. Pay attention to the hints!

  • El año que viene en Veracruz
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Practise the use of the present subjunctive vs the present indicative by choosing the right one in this gapfill. Pay attention to the hints!

  • Preparativos para la guardería
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Sonia is excited as she gets her nursery class (kindergarten) ready for when the little ones start next week. Choose the right form of the verb - pronominal or non-pronominal, depending on the meaning each time. Pay attention to the hints:

  • ¡Empiezan las clases!
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the blanks with the right back-to-school vocabulary from this list: "Back-to-school" vocabulary in Spanish Pay attention to the hints!

  • Rellenando un formulario
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Fill in the blanks with the right word related to personal details from this list: "Giving my personal details" vocabulary in Spanish. Pay attention to the hints!

  • La semana de Nuria
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Nuria has a busy week ahead. Test your Days of the week vocabulary in Spanish with this fill-in-the-blanks exercise. Pay attention to the hints!

  • ¿Cuál soy?
    Subject mastery Kwiz

    Practise this List of nouns with different meanings depending on gender in Spanish in this gapfill. Pay attention to each definition and choose one of the two options from the hint.

More Spanish exercises about Language & Education >>
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