Test Your Spanish Level

Our Spanish CEFR test and a Guide to different Spanish exams

Test your Spanish level here! Find your Spanish proficiency level with our free Spanish CEFR test below.

Test your Spanish Level

Table of Contents

What your Spanish CEFR level means

Whether you're an avid language learner or just getting started, chances are you've probably heard of the CEFR, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. These evidence-based levels give you a clear, objective rating of your language comprehension and understanding. Think of it as a sort of "Spanish fluency test" that will assess your proficiency. You can take our Spanish CEFR level test right here on our site and have your exam professionally assessed by our A.I. to give you the most accurate CEFR Spanish level to get you started.

Once you've taken the test and discovered your Spanish level, you'll be able to get a sense of what skills and abilities you've mastered and the ones you need to improve on. This baseline is a great way to make sure you're getting the right resources, learning tools, and support to get to the next level.

A0 Spanish Level

At this Spanish level, you're considered a brand-new beginner. But no worries, a lot of people start with very little previous knowledge of the Spanish language. We all gotta start somewhere, right? At this level, you may even know a few basic terms and common words, but overall, you're still at a very novice stage of your language learning journey.

Now, if you've never taken any formal classes or training, it's completely understandable why you scored an A0 Spanish level on your Spanish fluency test. Our online Spanish course uses A.I. technology to factor your CEFR score and help you get up to speed.

A1: Beginner

This stage is a step above no knowledge, but still somewhat of a novice. At an A1 Spanish level, you can hold your own in a simple conversation where the other person is speaking slowly and clearly. You can also probably manage to ask for directions to a restaurant if you're ever visiting Paris. At this stage, you're able to:

  • Introduce yourself or a friend.

  • Understand simple phrases and common expressions—Habla inglés, anyone?

  • Respond to basic questions about family, where you're from, age, etc.

  • Engage in simple conversations. You'll probably still need a little help (repeating words, reformulating sentences, etc.).

A2: Elementary

Now we're getting there! The A2 Spanish level indicates your ability to understand broader phrases and expressions about everyday circumstances, from your personal life to your professional life. At this stage, you're able to:

  • Discuss fundamental aspects of your personal life (name, age, place of residence), shopping, relationships, professions, career, and education.

  • Use simple terms to describe your surroundings and express your needs.

  • Talk about simple tasks and familiar subjects.

B1: Intermediate

Here's where concepts and language start connecting. At a B1 Spanish level, you've effectively moved past the greetings and touristy questions and are now getting into more of the contextual components needed to become fluent in Spanish. You also have some basic writing skills that can help you in professional or educational settings. At this stage, you're able to:

  • Have deeper, clearer conversations about familiar topics, including work, school, hobbies, etc.

  • Get a good grasp on events and varying situations when travelling to a Spanish-speaking country or city.

  • Write simple texts about familiar topics, hobbies, or basic interests.

  • Provide descriptive explanations of an experience, dream, event, etc.

  • Engage in cohesive arguments to support a project or idea.

B2: Upper Intermediate

If you're at a B2 Spanish level, you're considered upper intermediate. At this point, you've got a solid understanding of grammar, syntax, and other elements within the Spanish language. And while you've still got a ways to go before you're considered advanced, you have enough comprehension to comfortably hold conversations with natives. You're also able to:

  • Understand complex text and main ideas, even if it's technical text—especially if it's about a familiar topic or within an area of interest.

  • Express ideas and opinions clearly and with a high level of detail on a wide range of topics.

  • Discuss current events and news, and make comprehensive arguments for or against these topics.

  • Browse Spanish websites and understand them (though you may still encounter words or idioms you're not familiar with).

C1: Advanced

You've made it—this is the Spanish level where fluent speakers (both native and non-native) usually score. If you're at this advanced stage, you're very close to mastering the Spanish language. Not only do you understand complex vocabulary and grammar, but you've also grasped native idioms and nuances.

  • Effectively understand an extensive range of vocabulary within a complex text and pick up on the nuances, i.e., "read between the lines."

  • Effortlessly hold conversations, speak fluently, and react to spontaneous situations.

  • Express yourself effectively in any formal or informal context (social, professional, or academic).

  • Develop clear and structured arguments about complex topics.

  • Confidently apply for jobs in a Spanish-speaking country

Official Spanish fluency tests and diplomas

Once you figure out your Spanish level, you'll know what you need to study and practise to take on your next Spanish test or diploma.

  • Ever thought about working in a Spanish-speaking country?

  • Getting ready to attend a Spanish or Latin American university?

  • Or maybe you've always dreamt of living in Barcelona?

Then you'll definitely want to get a head start by taking an official Spanish fluency test and/or obtaining a Spanish diploma. These globally recognised exams and certifications act as a stamp of approval from several different institutions regarding your proficiency in Spanish.

Each test serves a different purpose and is geared towards a specific CEFR level. Each country, institution, and company will have different requirements, so make sure to verify the kind of test you need before moving forward.

But these tests aren't just for expats and travellers. If you're interested in learning the Spanish language, signing up for one of these exams can be an excellent motivator. Instead of aimlessly learning the language, you'll have a quantifiable goal to work towards and can focus your studies accordingly.

1. DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera)

The Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) is probably the most widely recognised diploma for "Spanish as a foreign language" speakers. The tests are created, evaluated, and corrected by the Universidad de Salamanca. The DELE is a great diploma to pursue for adults looking to advance their careers, work in a different country, or simply test their Spanish proficiency.

Learn more about how to pass the DELE exam here.

2. SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española)

The Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española (SIELE) is an official Spanish language test administered by the Instituto Cervantes, made in collaboration with a number of other institutions.

It’s a single test that grades your Spanish proficiency from A1 to C1 according to the CEFR standard (there’s no C2 accreditation).

If you’re looking to prove your Spanish fluency for a job, to relocate to a Spanish-speaking country, or to enter a Spanish university, the SIELE might be a great option for you.

Learn more about how to pass the SIELE exam here.

3. CELU (Certificado de Español Lengua y Uso)

For those of you who have a good grasp of the Spanish language, the CELU, or Certificado de Español Lengua y Uso, is one of the pinnacles of advanced Spanish fluency testing.

It’s recognised by several governments and institutions in Latin America, Brazil, Italy, and China. This advanced certification is great for those who need to validate their proficiency in Spanish as a second language in a working environment or an academic context.

Learn more about how to pass the CELU exam here.

4. AP Spanish (Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture)

A good number of high schools in the United States offer "Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture" (AP Spanish) as an elective. If you're in high school, reach out to your guidance counsellor to see if you have the bandwidth to add this course to your semester.

You'll earn college credit and get a head start on your path to Spanish-speaking fluency. Plus, the final AP Spanish exam is comparable to a college-level Spanish 301 final exam.

Learn more about how to pass the AP Spanish exam.

5. GCSE Spanish (General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Are you in Great Britain? Well, there's a special exam just for students of the Commonwealth. The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is broken down into two comprehension levels: the Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and the Higher Tier (grades 4–9).

Both exams cover the four disciplines of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Additionally, you can expect to be tested on the following themes:

  • Identity and culture

  • Local, national, international, and global areas of interest

  • Current and future study and employment

Learn more about how to pass the Spanish GCSE exam here.

8. IB Spanish (International Baccalaureate)

Another great resource for high school students is the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Spanish programme. These courses offer comprehensive training for beginner to intermediate Spanish. Students are challenged to develop their critical thinking skills and nurture their curiosity.

In order to pass the end-of-year exam, you'll need to be able to show your proficiency in both written and spoken Spanish, including reacting to a spontaneous conversation. You'll also be tested on your overall understanding of Spanish culture.

Learn more about how to pass the IB Spanish exam here.

Test for Spanish Citizenship

Perhaps you've already taken your Spanish tests and diplomas. Maybe you've even lived in Spain or Latin America for years and decided that it's time to make it your home.

Congrats! But before you can say muchas gracias, you'll have to go through a pretty involved naturalisation process, which includes interviews and a Spanish proficiency test.

You can get an in-depth overview of what it takes to become a Spanish citizen on the official site of the Ministerio de Justicia but we'll focus on how you can pass the interview and the Spanish fluency test.

How to pass the Spanish citizenship test

You don’t have to be a C2 Spanish master to pass the fluency test, but you will need to know the fundamentals of the language. More than anything, the government is assessing your ability to navigate through certain situations and assimilate into the Spanish population.

The Spanish language level test includes both listening and speaking sections, but there’s a chance you might be eligible to be exempted from it by obtaining an official diploma or certificate to prove you have reached at least B1 level in all four competencies: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. See more details and start prepping for your citizenship exam with our in-depth guide.

How to pass the Spanish citizenship interview

In addition to the language portion of the test, you’ll also be interviewed about your understanding of Spanish history and culture.

Overall, you should have a basic understanding of key dates in Spanish history, Spanish values, important symbols, and governmental organisations, among other topics. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of Spanish history and culture. To learn this information, study the Manual para la preparación de la Prueba de Conocimientos Constitucionales y Socioculturales de España (CCSE).

Our friend María Virginia went through this process a few years ago and shared her experiences and thoughts for our bilingual reader: Ciudadanía española: la experiencia de María Virginia.

How Kwiziq Spanish helps you pass

As far as the interview goes, our extensive library of lessons, vocabulary lists, and exercises on Spanish culture is guaranteed to prepare you with the knowledge you need to impress your interviewer. From arts to sports, our readingwriting and listening exercises are available for you to dig through in our language learning library.

Spanish test study tips

Helping language learners like you prepare for and ace exams is our speciality. In fact, our students have improved their scores by up to 25%. Between personalised Study Plans and over 15,000 questions and answers across 500 topics, you'll be equipped to make significant progress in your path to Spanish fluency.

Kwiziq Spanish uses advanced algorithms to build a study programme around your strengths and areas for improvement. With the help of Kwizbot, your personal language coach, your programme will evolve with your progress, making sure you're making the most of your studies. Sign up for a free account to see how Kwiziq Spanish can take your Spanish to the next level.

We went ahead and put together a few tips to help you prep for your next Spanish test:

  • Use your time wisely: Studying for a final exam or prepping for a Spanish citizenship test? Either way, you have to put in the time to see the results. We recommend spending at least a few minutes every day in dedicated study to really see results.

  • Know what you don't know: Conjugations? Demonstrative adjectives? The dreaded subjunctive? Once you've pinpointed your trouble areas (or let Kwizbot do it for you), you can focus your efforts on improving them. It's important to understand what you know and what you don't so you can focus your efforts on the right topics needed to improve your Spanish fluency.

  • Listen to audio, music, and videos: One of the most important things you can do to jumpstart your Spanish fluency journey is to spend some time absorbing the sounds of the language. Throw on some Spanish music while you're running errands, listen to the news in Spanish, or cosy up to romantic Spanish films.

  • Practise and repeat: A recent study proves scientifically that slightly modifying repetitions can actually double your learning speed. That's why practising recall is 300% more effective than revision alone.

  • Get the details of your upcoming test: If you're getting ready for a test, ask your teacher or test administrator for information on the content, format, and limitations, including:

    1. Which grammar and vocab topics are covered?

    2. Which language skills (reading, writing, listening, or speaking) are being tested?

    3. What types of questions (e.g., fill in the blank, multiple choice) does the test include?

    4. Is there a time limit?

    5. Can you use any tools (dictionary, verb conjugator, smartphone) during the test?

Ace your Spanish test with Kwiziq Spanish!

So, how can Kwiziq Spanish help you master the Spanish language? We've got tonnes of specialised tools and personalised coaching to help you ace your upcoming Spanish test, whether it's to pass a citizenship interview or college finals.

Here's an overview of how our comprehensive language learning programme works:

  1. Sign up for a free account: Start here to create your free account and set up your profile.

  2. Define your Spanish CEFR level: Take our Spanish level test to determine your Spanish proficiency. You can also choose your own CEFR level if you have an idea and take your test later.

  3. Review your Brainmap: Kwizbot, your AI-powered language coach, will analyse your test results and create a personalised Brainmap — a visual representation of all that you know and exactly what you need to learn, practise, and strengthen to become fluent.

  4. Get started on your Study Plan: Once you know what you need to get to your next Spanish level, Kwizbot will build a tailored Study Plan. This will include short kwizzes to help you practise in the areas that matter. Every time you take a kwiz, Kwizbot will update your Brainmap and Study Plan according to your strengths and areas of improvement.

Ready to take on your next Spanish proficiency test?

Get started with a free Kwiziq Spanish account today.
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