Using the Spanish gerund as a command

Learn how to express a command in Spanish using Gerundio/Spanish present participle

In colloquial Spanish, the gerund (-ing form) is often used to express a command that indicates the start of a process. It is mainly used with specific verbs; the most common verbs are "andar", "caminar", "circular", "marchar".

Here are some examples:

Vamos, saliendo todos despacio y en silencio.Come on, everyone come out slowly and in silence.

Ya son las tres. Andando, que llegamos tarde.It's 3 already. Let's get a move on, we're late.

¡Circulando! Solo ha sido un pequeño accidente.Keep moving/driving! It was just a minor accident.

¡Corriendo que nos mojamos!Hurry up, we're getting wet!

It is very common in bars and restaurants to hear the waiter say ¡Marchando! after taking a customer's order as a way of letting the kitchen know that they need to start preparing that particular order. For example, a customer says:

Me pone dos cervezas y dos tapas de calamares, por favor.
Can I have two beers and two squid tapas, please?

The person taking their order can reply to both the customer and Antonio in the kitchen:

¡Marchando, dos cervezas y dos tapas de calamares, Antonio!Coming up, two beers and two squid tapas, Antonio!

It is also common to use the gerund in a stronger command, with a threatening tone and an expectation that the action in question must be done immediately, using this construction:

ya + estar + gerund

For example:

¡Ya estás largándote de aquí, caradura!Clear off right now, you're shameless!

¡Ya estás devolviendo el dinero que robaste!Give back the money you stole!

There is a colloquial set phrase in Spanish, indicating to get on with things, to move on:

¡Andando que es gerundio!Let's move on!
¡Arreando que es gerundio!Let's move on!

This is used in any context to express the desire to keep things moving.


 See also Using preposition a + infinitive to express a command in Spanish and Using que + the present subjunctive in Spanish to to express a wish/command

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Examples and resources

¡Ya estás devolviendo el dinero que robaste!Give back the money you stole!
¡Andando que es gerundio!Let's move on!
¡Arreando que es gerundio!Let's move on!
Vamos, saliendo todos despacio y en silencio.Come on, everyone come out slowly and in silence.
¡Marchando, dos cervezas y dos tapas de calamares, Antonio!Coming up, two beers and two squid tapas, Antonio!
Ya son las tres. Andando, que llegamos tarde.It's 3 already. Let's get a move on, we're late.
¡Circulando! Solo ha sido un pequeño accidente.Keep moving/driving! It was just a minor accident.
¡Corriendo que nos mojamos!Hurry up, we're getting wet!
¡Ya estás largándote de aquí, caradura!Clear off right now, you're shameless!
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