Using preposition "a" to indicate how/in which style something is done

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The preposition a is often used in phrases in Spanish to indicate how something is done, or in which style.

Spanish preposition "a" for means/tools

The preposition is followed by a singular noun. For example:

Fuimos a su pueblo a caballo.We went to his village on horseback.

Tendrás que ir a pie porque hoy no hay autobuses.You will have to go on foot as there are no buses today.

Los chicos cruzaron el río a nado en pleno invierno.The boys swam across the river in midwinter.

El mantón está bordado a mano. Es precioso.The shawl is hand embroidered. It is beautiful.

Note that not all means of transport use the preposition a (en avión, a avión, en tren, a tren...)

Spanish preposition "a" for denoting abruptness 

Used generally with a plural noun. For example:

Lo echó del restaurante a patadas.He kicked him out of the restaurant.

La multitud consiguió salir de allí a empujones.The crowd managed to get out by pushing and shoving.


Spanish preposition "a" to express how an action is carried out or how it unfolds, sometimes expressing intensity.

Used generally with a plural noun. For example:

Íbamos caminando a ciegas porque perdimos las linternas.We were walking blindly because we lost our torches.

Se bebió la botella de whisky a tragos. Estaba muy borracho.He gulped down the bottle of whisky. He was very drunk.

El agua caía a raudales y se inundó el lugar.The water was pouring down and the place was flooded.

Spanish preposition "a": using a + lo / la + adjective/noun

This is generally referring to something that is generally established as a specific way of doing something, imitating a certain way/style. It is often seen with nationality adjectives, and it is very common when talking about cooking styles. For example:

Hoy vamos a hacer una cena rápida, cocinaré unas tortillas a la francesa y una ensalada.Today we are having a quick dinner, I'll cook some simple omelettes (French-style omelettes [not Spanish tortillas]) and a salad.

El pulpo a la gallega es sin duda mi plato español preferido.Galician-style octopus is undoubtedly my favourite Spanish dish.

Mis padres celebraron sus bodas de plata a lo grande. Invitaron a 300 personas.My parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in style. They invited 300 people.

Subió al escenario y se puso a cantar a lo Elvis Presley. Lo hizo fenomenal.He went onstage and started to sing like Elvis Presley. He nailed it.

Note that when we say that something is done in a certain style the way a specific celebrity does/did, it is always "a lo" (not a la) even if the celebrity is female. For example:

Esa chica lleva un peinado de los 50, a lo (a la) Marilyn Monroe.That girl has a '50s hairdo, like Marilyn Monroe.

Have a look at this list of adverbial manner expressions using different prepositions.

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Examples and resources

Mis padres celebraron sus bodas de plata a lo grande. Invitaron a 300 personas.My parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in style. They invited 300 people.
Tendrás que ir a pie porque hoy no hay autobuses.You will have to go on foot as there are no buses today.
El pescado que hiciste al horno te salió exquisito.That fish you oven-baked was delicious.
El agua caía a raudales y se inundó el lugar.The water was pouring down and the place was flooded.
Los chicos cruzaron el río a nado en pleno invierno.The boys swam across the river in midwinter.
El pulpo a la gallega es sin duda mi plato español preferido.Galician-style octopus is undoubtedly my favourite Spanish dish.
El mantón está bordado a mano. Es precioso.The shawl is hand embroidered. It is beautiful.
Esa chica lleva un peinado de los 50, a lo (a la) Marilyn Monroe.That girl has a '50s hairdo, like Marilyn Monroe.
Subió al escenario y se puso a cantar a lo Elvis Presley. Lo hizo fenomenal.He went onstage and started to sing like Elvis Presley. He nailed it.
Fuimos a su pueblo a caballo.We went to his village on horseback.
Hoy vamos a hacer una cena rápida, cocinaré unas tortillas a la francesa y una ensalada.Today we are having a quick dinner, I'll cook some simple omelettes (French-style omelettes [not Spanish tortillas]) and a salad.
Hicimos unas gambas a la plancha riquísimas.We made some very tasty grilled prawns.
Lo echó del restaurante a patadas.He kicked him out of the restaurant.
La multitud consiguió salir de allí a empujones.The crowd managed to get out by pushing and shoving.
Íbamos caminando a ciegas porque perdimos las linternas.We were walking blindly because we lost our torches.
Se bebió la botella de whisky a tragos. Estaba muy borracho.He gulped down the bottle of whisky. He was very drunk.
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