Using gustar in the conditional in Spanish = would like [to do something]

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In Spanish the most common way to say would like [to do something] is by using verb gustar in El Condicional Simple, but only the conjugation of the 3rd person singular is used.

Conjugation of gustar in El Condicional Simple



I would like

Me gustaría

You would like

Te gustaría

He/she/you [formal] would like

Le gustaría

We would like

Nos gustaría

You would like [vosotros]

Os gustaría

They would like

Les gustaría

You would like [ustedes]

Les gustaría

As you can see, verb gustar is an "inverted" verb, so you will find an indirect object pronoun (Pronombre de complemento indirecto) in front.

Have a look at these examples:

Este año me gustaría hacer un curso de fotografía.This year I would like to do a photograply course.

-¿Te gustaría conocer a mis padres? -No, gracias.-Would you like to meet my parents? -No, thanks.

A María le gustaría viajar por Asia.María would like to travel around Asia.

Nos gustaría apuntarnos a clases de salsa.We would like to sign up for some salsa classes.

¿Os gustaría venir a nuestra casa algún día?Would you like to come to our house some day? 

Les gustaría organizar una gran fiesta por su aniversario.They would like to organise a big party for their anniversary.

¿Les gustaría participar en la encuesta?Would you like to take part in the survey?

Notice how after gustar there is always an infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir form)

A common mistake is to use the subject pronoun (Pronombre sujeto) or use both.

Yo gustaría ir al cine contigo. 
Yo me gustaría ir al cine contigo.
Me gustaría ir al cine contigo.
I would like to go to the cinema with you.

To emphasise "who" is liking, the indirect object pronouns can be repeated:

A mí me gustaría ir al cine contigo.

See also Repetition of indirect object pronouns in Spanish with verbs like gustar


It's important to note that other inverted verbs like "encantar" or "apasionar" work exactly the same way as "gustar" in all tenses. For example:

Me encantaría ir al concierto contigo.
I'd love to go to the concert with you.

Le apasionaría el tema de la conferencia. Debería ir.
She'd absolutely love the theme of the conference. She should go.


To see how gustar works in El Presente see:

To learn about a different way to say "would like" see

Polite requests in Spanish: querría, quería and quisiera to politely say "I would like"


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Examples and resources

-¿Te gustaría conocer a mis padres? -No, gracias.-Would you like to meet my parents? -No, thanks.
Este año me gustaría hacer un curso de fotografía.This year I would like to do a photograply course.
A María le gustaría viajar por Asia.María would like to travel around Asia.
Nos gustaría apuntarnos a clases de salsa.We would like to sign up for some salsa classes.
Les gustaría organizar una gran fiesta por su aniversario.They would like to organise a big party for their anniversary.
¿Os gustaría venir a nuestra casa algún día?Would you like to come to our house some day? 
¿Les gustaría participar en la encuesta?Would you like to take part in the survey?
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