Using the pluperfect subjunctive in hypothetical clauses (si) followed by the perfect conditional/ the pluperfect subjunctive

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Here's a hypothetical situation in English:

If we had won the lottery, we would have bought a Ferrari.

Here you can see that if is followed by a verb in the Pluperfect (had won), while the second clause uses the Conditional Perfect (would have bought).

Learn how to express hypothetical situations using El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo and El Condicional Perfecto in Spanish

Si hubiésemos ganado  la lotería, habríamos comprado un Ferrari.

Si hubiésemos ganado  la lotería, hubiéramos comprado un Ferrari.

Si hubiésemos ganado  la lotería, hubiésemos comprado un Ferrari.

Here you see that in Spanish, si is followed by a verb in El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo (hubiésemos ganado), while the second clause uses either:


All cases above are equally correct.


In this type of conditional sentence the condition is seen as impossible, so that the action of the main clause is not fulfilled.

Here are more examples: 

Si hubiera llegado antes, habría visto a Carlos en la fiesta.If I had arrived earlier, I would have seen Carlos at the party.

Si hubiera llegado antes, hubiera visto a Carlos en la fiesta.If I had arrived earlier, I would have seen Carlos at the party.

Si tú hubieras firmado ese contrato, te habrías arrepentido.If you had signed that contract, you would have regretted it.

Si te hubieras llevado el paraguas, no te habrías mojado tanto.If you had taken the umbrella, you wouldn't have got so wet.

Si te hubieras llevado el paraguas, no te hubieras mojado tanto.If you had taken the umbrella, you wouldn't have got so wet.

Si no hubiéramos comprado esta casa, habríamos tenido más dinero para vacaciones.If we hadn't bought this house, we would have had more money for holidays.

Si no hubiésemos comprado esta casa, hubiésemos tenido más dinero para vacaciones.If we hadn't bought this house, we would have had more money for holidays.

Si usted hubiera venido a las diez, yo le habría atendido personalmente.If you had come at ten, I would have dealt with you personally.

You need auxiliary verb "haber" in both parts of the sentence: in the conditional clause after "si" and in the main clause.

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Examples and resources

Si te hubieras llevado el paraguas, no te habrías mojado tanto.If you had taken the umbrella, you wouldn't have got so wet.
Si hubiera llegado antes, hubiera visto a Carlos en la fiesta.If I had arrived earlier, I would have seen Carlos at the party.
Si no hubiésemos comprado esta casa, hubiésemos tenido más dinero para vacaciones.If we hadn't bought this house, we would have had more money for holidays.
Si te hubieras llevado el paraguas, no te hubieras mojado tanto.If you had taken the umbrella, you wouldn't have got so wet.
Si no hubiéramos comprado esta casa, habríamos tenido más dinero para vacaciones.If we hadn't bought this house, we would have had more money for holidays.
Si hubiera llegado antes, habría visto a Carlos en la fiesta.If I had arrived earlier, I would have seen Carlos at the party.
Si usted hubiera venido a las diez, yo le habría atendido personalmente.If you had come at ten, I would have dealt with you personally.
Si tú hubieras firmado ese contrato, te habrías arrepentido.If you had signed that contract, you would have regretted it.