Gender and plural of Spanish nouns ending in -esa, -triz, -ina, -isa

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Learn about Spanish nouns ending in -esa, -triz, -ina, and -isa 

Nouns ending in -esa, -triz, -ina and -isa are feminine in Spanish.

Have a look and listen to these examples:

La mahonesa está deliciosa.The mayonnaise is delicious.

Esta cicatriz es bastante profunda.This scar is quite deep.

La heroína del cómic vivió en Alemania.The comic heroine lived in Germany.

No me gustaba ir a la misa del Gallo.I didn't like going to Midnight Mass.

Remember that articles and adjectives must agree with nouns.

Forming the plural

To form the plural of feminine nouns ending in -esa, -ina and -isa simply add an -s.

Have a look and listen to these examples:

Muchas alcaldesas luchan por la igualdad de género.Many women mayors fight for gender equality.

Las pitonisas adivinan el futuro de las personas.The (female) fortune tellers guess people's future.

Aquellas inquilinas no eran nada serias.Those tenants (female) were not serious at all.

HOWEVER, to form the plural of feminine nouns ending in -triz, you have to replace the -z with a -c and then add -es.

Have a look and listen to these examples:

¿Quiénes son tus actrices favoritas?Who are your favourite actresses?

Las emperatrices del Antiguo Egipto eran muy guapas.The empresses from Ancient Egypt were very beautiful.

Las institutrices trabajaban con niños desde casa.The governesses worked with children from home.

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Las institutrices trabajaban con niños desde casa.The governesses worked with children from home.
Aquellas inquilinas no eran nada serias.Those tenants (female) were not serious at all.
Muchas alcaldesas luchan por la igualdad de género.Many women mayors fight for gender equality.
Las pitonisas adivinan el futuro de las personas.The (female) fortune tellers guess people's future.
No me gustaba ir a la misa del Gallo.I didn't like going to Midnight Mass.
Las emperatrices del Antiguo Egipto eran muy guapas.The empresses from Ancient Egypt were very beautiful.
La mahonesa está deliciosa.The mayonnaise is delicious.
Esta cicatriz es bastante profunda.This scar is quite deep.
La heroína del cómic vivió en Alemania.The comic heroine lived in Germany.
¿Quiénes son tus actrices favoritas?Who are your favourite actresses?