Conjugate valer in the conditional tense in Spanish (El Condicional Simple)

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Valer (to cost, to be worth) has an irregular stem valdr- in El Condicional Simple but the endings are regular.

Conjugate valer in El Condicional Simple in Spanish

yo valdría
él / ella / Ud. valdría
nosotros valdríamos
vosotros valdríais
ellos / ellas / Uds.   valdrían

See and listen to these examples:

Yo valdría millones como ingeniera.I would be worth millions as an engineer.

Tú no valdrías lo suficiente para él.You wouldn't be worth enough for him.

Este coche valdría mucho dinero en el mercado negro.This car would cost a lot of money in the black market.

Nosotros valdríamos para cantar.We would be good at singing.

Vosotras valdríais para ser doctoras.You would be good as doctors.

Las joyas valdrían un potosí.The jewels would cost a fortune.

Ustedes no valdrían para eso.You wouldn't be good for that.

 See also: List of Spanish irregular verbs in the future and conditional

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Examples and resources

Yo valdría millones como ingeniera.I would be worth millions as an engineer.
Este coche valdría mucho dinero en el mercado negro.This car would cost a lot of money in the black market.
Las joyas valdrían un potosí.The jewels would cost a fortune.
Nosotros valdríamos para cantar.We would be good at singing.
Vosotras valdríais para ser doctoras.You would be good as doctors.
Ustedes no valdrían para eso.You wouldn't be good for that.
Tú no valdrías lo suficiente para él.You wouldn't be worth enough for him.
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