Conjugate stem-changing verb pedir (e > i) in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)

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Pedir (to ask / to order) is a stem-changing semi-regular verb in El Presente.

Conjugate "pedir" in El Presente in Spanish

yo pido
él / ella / Ud. pide
nosotros / nosotras
vosotros / vosotras
ellos / ellas / Uds.   piden

Notice how the first vowel -e- becomes -i- 

EXCEPT for nosotros/nosotras and vosotros/vosotras where it remains -e-.

Look at and listen to these examples:

Siempre pido una cerveza fria.I always order a cold beer.

pides demasiado a la vida.You ask too much from life.

Antonio pide mucho dinero a sus padres.Antonio asks his parents for a lot of money.

¿Pedimos una pizza mediana?¿Shall we order a medium pizza?

Vosotros pedís demasiadas explicaciones.You ask for too many explanations.

Ellos piden 500 euros por el alquiler.They are asking for 500 euros for the rent.

You can see more verbs that follow this pattern:
A1 Spanish verb list: Stem-changing (e > i) verbs in the present tense

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Examples and resources

Siempre pido una cerveza fria.I always order a cold beer.
pides demasiado a la vida.You ask too much from life.
Antonio pide mucho dinero a sus padres.Antonio asks his parents for a lot of money.
Vosotros pedís demasiadas explicaciones.You ask for too many explanations.
Ellos piden 500 euros por el alquiler.They are asking for 500 euros for the rent.
¿Pedimos una pizza mediana?¿Shall we order a medium pizza?
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