Conjugate valer in the simple future in Spanish (El Futuro Simple/Imperfecto)

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Valer (to be worth / to cost) is irregular in El Futuro Simple.

Learn how to conjugate valer in El Futuro Simple in Spanish

It is formed by adding these endings to the stem valdr-:

yo valdré
él / ella / Ud. valdrá
nosotros valdremos
vosotros valdréis
ellos / ellas / Uds.   valdrán

Read and listen to these examples:

Valdré mucho profesionalmente si hago ese master.I will be worth a lot more professionally if I get a master's degree.

No valdrás para ser médico si no estudias suficiente.You won't be good enough to be a doctor if you don't study enough.

En unos meses ese piso valdrá la mitad.In a few months that flat will cost half as much.

Valdremos más como personas al hacer voluntariado.We will be more worthy as individuals by doing voluntary work.

Vosotros valdréis como ejemplo.You will do as an example.

Esos cuadros valdrán unos 300 euros.Those paintings will cost about 300 euros.

Valer has different meanings. It means to cost/be worth when talking about things generally; when used to talk about people, valer could mean: to be good enough for [valer para...] or to be useful as [valer como...].

Look at these examples:

No valdrás para ser médico si no estudias suficiente.You won't be good enough to be a doctor if you don't study enough.


Vosotros valdréis como ejemplo.You will do as an example.

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Examples and resources

Vosotros valdréis como ejemplo.You will do as an example.
Valdremos más como personas al hacer voluntariado.We will be more worthy as individuals by doing voluntary work.
En unos meses ese piso valdrá la mitad.In a few months that flat will cost half as much.
Esos cuadros valdrán unos 300 euros.Those paintings will cost about 300 euros.
Valdré mucho profesionalmente si hago ese master.I will be worth a lot more professionally if I get a master's degree.
No valdrás para ser médico si no estudias suficiente.You won't be good enough to be a doctor if you don't study enough.
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