Conjugate decir in the preterite tense in Spanish (El Pretérito Indefinido)

Decir and its derivatives predecirbendecir, maldecir are irregular in El Pretérito Indefinido  in Spanish. They all follow the same pattern.

Learn how to conjugate "decir" in El Pretérito Indefinido in Spanish












As you can see, there is a vowel change: -e to -i and also a consonant change: -c to -j.

Here are some examples to read and listen to:

Yo le dije la verdad.I told him the truth.

bendijiste el matrimonio de tu hija.You blessed the marriage of your daughter.

El hombre de tiempo predijo la tormenta.The weatherman predicted the storm.

Nosotros no maldijimos a nadie.We did not curse anyone.

Vosotros lo dijisteis.You said it.

Ellos bendijeron su bandera.They blessed his flag.

Ustedes no me dijeron que Marta era su hija.You didn't tell me that Marta was your daughter.

Verbs that follow this pattern are:

  • decir (to say/tell)
  • predecir (to predict)
  • bendecir (to bless)
  • maldecir (to curse)


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Examples and resources

Vosotros lo dijisteis.You said it.
El hombre de tiempo predijo la tormenta.The weatherman predicted the storm.
bendijiste el matrimonio de tu hija.You blessed the marriage of your daughter.
Nosotros no maldijimos a nadie.We did not curse anyone.
El vidente predijo buena suerte para la familia.The seer predicted good luck for the family.
Ellos bendijeron su bandera.They blessed his flag.
Ustedes no me dijeron que Marta era su hija.You didn't tell me that Marta was your daughter.
Yo le dije la verdad.I told him the truth.
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