Conjugate deber in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente)

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The Spanish modal verb "deber" is a regular verb inEl Presente.

Learn how to conjugate "deber" in El Presente in Spanish

yo debo
él / ella / Ud. 
nosotros / nosotras 
vosotros / vosotras 
ellos / ellas / Uds.   

The endings are the same as regular -er verbs in Spanish: Conjugate regular -er verbs in the present tense in Spanish (El Presente).

Look at and listen to these examples:

Debo trabajar ocho horas al día.I must work eight hours per day.

Debes usar crema solar en la playa.You must use sunscreen at the beach.

Pablo debe estudiar todas las tablas de multiplicar.Pablo must study all the multiplication tables.

Nosotros debemos venir al colegio a las ocho.We must come to school at eight.

Vosotras debéis respetar a los profesores.You must respect the teachers.

Ustedes deben llegar puntuales.You must arrive on time.

Note that in the examples above, the modal verb deber is followed by an infinitive.

See also Using deber, poder, querer in Spanish + infinitive to express must, can, to want to (Verbo modal).

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Debo trabajar ocho horas al día.I must work eight hours per day.
Nosotros debemos venir al colegio a las ocho.We must come to school at eight.
Vosotras debéis respetar a los profesores.You must respect the teachers.
Ustedes deben llegar puntuales.You must arrive on time.
Debes usar crema solar en la playa.You must use sunscreen at the beach.
Pablo debe estudiar todas las tablas de multiplicar.Pablo must study all the multiplication tables.
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