Using yo sí/yo no/a mí sí/a mí no (I do/I don't): Spanish contrasting answers

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Learn about giving short contrasting answers in Spanish

In Spanish we can give a short answer, either "yo sí" (I do) or "yo no" (I don't) when we give a contrasting answer to what was just said by another person in order to say that we do the opposite.


Yo sí

Look at this negative construction that you want to counter by contrasting and expressing that "you do"  (i.e., you do the opposite):

-Yo nunca me levanto antes de las siete.-I never get up before seven.

-Yo sí.-I do.


Yo no

However, if there is an affirmative statement, and you want to oppose it by saying "I don't", "I won't", "I am not"..., then you say "Yo no":

-Yo voy a hacer un master el año que viene.-I am going to do a Masters next year.

-Yo no.-I'm not.


A mí sí / a mí no (with verbs like gustar)

When the verb used in the statement requires an indirect object or indirect object pronoun, like gustar, then the short answers are "a mí sí" or "a mí no"

Have a look:

-No me gusta ese cantante.-I don't like that singer.

-A mí sí.-I do.

-A mí me apasiona el arte japonés.-I am passionate about Japanese art.

-A mí no.-I'm not.

These short answers can also be used to give a contrasting answer to  something said in past or future tenses. 

-Yo no llamé a Luis ayer.-I didn't call Luis yesterday.

-Yo sí.-I did.

-Creo que mañana iré a la reunión. - I think I will go to the meeting tomorrow. 

-Yo no.-I won't.

Here are other examples:

-No me convence su argumento. -I am not convinced by his story. 

-A mí sí. Creo que está diciendo la verdad.-I am. I think he is telling the truth.

-A ella no le gusta nada hablar en público.-She doesn't like speaking in public. 

-Pues, a mí sí. Me encanta ser el centro de atención.-I do. I love being the centre of attention.

-Yo no puedo conducir; estoy borracho. -I can't drive; I am drunk. 

-Yo sí. Solo he tomado refrescos.-I can. I've only had some soft drinks.

-Yo siempre tomo tostadas por la mañana.I always have toast in the morning.

-Yo no. Yo prefiero cereales y fruta.-I don't. I prefer cereal and fruit.

In Spanish we don't have to worry about what type of verb/structure is used in the previous sentence, as no verb is used in the short answers, unlike in English (I do, I will, I have, I didn't, I can't...)

Be careful with the written accent on and

Learn how to agree by saying me too/me neither


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-A mí no.-I'm not.
-Yo no.-I won't.
-Yo no llamé a Luis ayer.-I didn't call Luis yesterday.
-Yo sí.-I did.
-Yo sí. Solo he tomado refrescos.-I can. I've only had some soft drinks.
-No me convence su argumento. -I am not convinced by his story. 
-Yo siempre tomo tostadas por la mañana.I always have toast in the morning.
-A mí sí. Creo que está diciendo la verdad.-I am. I think he is telling the truth.
-Yo no. Yo prefiero cereales y fruta.-I don't. I prefer cereal and fruit.
-Yo nunca me levanto antes de las siete.-I never get up before seven.
-Yo voy a hacer un master el año que viene.-I am going to do a Masters next year.
-Yo no.-I'm not.
-Yo sí.-I do.
-No me gusta ese cantante.-I don't like that singer.
-A mí me apasiona el arte japonés.-I am passionate about Japanese art.
-A ella no le gusta nada hablar en público.-She doesn't like speaking in public. 
-A mí sí.-I do.
-Pues, a mí sí. Me encanta ser el centro de atención.-I do. I love being the centre of attention.
-Creo que mañana iré a la reunión. - I think I will go to the meeting tomorrow. 
-Yo no.-I won't.
-Yo no puedo conducir; estoy borracho. -I can't drive; I am drunk. 