A2 Spanish verb list: Stem-changing verbs - present tense (o > ue)

A list of Spanish verbs (lower intermediate) with a stem change (o > ue) in El Presente [+ jugar (u > ue)]

Spanish vocabulary

acordar to agree
acordarse to remember
acostarse to go to bed
almorzar to have lunch
apostar to bet
aprobar to approve
avergonzarse to feel ashamed
cocer to boil
colar to strain
colgué (colgar) I hanged
comprobar to verify
contar to tell
costar to cost
demostrar to demonstrate
descontar to discount
disolver to disolve
devolver to return
doler to hurt
dormir to sleep
encontrar to find
encontrarse (con) to bump into
envolver to wrap
forzar to force
jugar to play (a game)
llover to rain
moler to grind
morir to die
morder to bite
mostrar to show
mover to move [something]
oler to smell
poder to be able to
probar to prove
probar to taste
recordar to remember
rogué (rogar) I begged
soler to tend to [do something]
soltar to set free
sonar to ring
soñar to dream
tostar to toast
tronar to thunder
volar to fly
volver to come back
Clever stuff happening!