Weather vocabulary in Spanish

A list of useful weather words in Spanish in El Presente

Spanish vocabulary

¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? What's the weather like today?
Hace frío It is cold
Hace calor It is hot
Hace viento It is windy
Hace sol It is sunny
Hace 25 grados It is 25 degrees
Hace 40 grados It is 40 degrees
Está nublado It is cloudy
Está despejado There are clear skies
Está soleado It is sunny
Está lloviendo It is raining
Está nevando It is snowing
Llueve It is raining
Nieva It is snowing
Hay relámpagos There is lightning
Hay tormenta There is a storm
Hay truenos There is thunder
Hay un arcoíris There is a rainbow
Las temperaturas son bajas The temperature is low
Las temperaturas son moderadas The temperature is moderate
Las temperaturas son altas The temperature is high