Easter vocabulary in Spanish

A list of Easter words in Spanish

Spanish vocabulary

el Miércoles de Ceniza Ash Wednesday
el ayuno fasting
la Cuaresma Lent
la Pasión de Cristo Passion of Jesus
la Semana Santa Easter, Holy Week
el Domingo de Ramos Palm Sunday
el Lunes Santo Easter Monday
el Martes Santo Holy Tuesday
el Miércoles Santo Holy Wednesday
el Jueves Santo Holy Thursday
la Madrugá night from Holy Thursday to Holy Friday
el Viernes Santo Good Friday
el Sábado Santo Holy Saturday
el Domingo de Resurrección Easter Sunday
el Domingo de Pascua Easter Sunday
la procesión procession
el paso the float
el nazareno Nazarene (male)
la nazarena Nazarene (female)
el costalero float carrier/bearer (male)
la costalera float carrier/bearer (female)
el capataz person in charge of guiding the float and its bearers
el penitente penitent (male)
la penitente penitent (female)
la cofradía brotherhood
el capirote capirote (conical headdress worn by the Nazarenes)
el cirio large thick candle
el candelabro chandelier
el incienso incense
la mantilla mantilla (lace or silk veil or shawl)
vestirse de mantilla to wear a mantilla
la hermandad brotherhood
la virgen a represenation of the virgin
el cristo a representation of Christ
el crucifijo crucifix
la cruz cross
el manto mantle, cape
el palio canopy type structure with the image or figure of the virgin
la vela candle
poner velas a los santos to light candles for the Saints
la capilla chapel
la saeta saeta, typical song for Easter processions
rezar to pray
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